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Getting started


go install[email protected]

Environment variables

The following environment varaibles can be used to interact both with the cli and the golang pkg.

PROXMOX_USERNAME Proxmox VE linux user (i.e. "root@pam") X X
PROXMOX_PASSWORD Proxmox VE linux password - X
PROXMOX_TOKEN_NAME Proxmox VE generated token name X -
PROXMOX_TOKEN Proxmox VE generated token X -

Golang package

First, import the pve package:

import ""

In order to create a new pve api you can either use environment variables or the built-in credentials constructors.

config := pve.Config{
    Host:               "",
    Port:               8006,
    InsecureSkipVerify: true,

api, err := pve.New()
creds, err := pve.NewEnvCreds()
// Or:
// creds := pve.NewTokenCreds("root@pam", "TOKEN_NAME", "UUID_TOKEN")

if err != nil {
    // handle the error as you please

config := pve.Config{
    Host:               "",
    Port:               8006,
    InsecureSkipVerify: true,

api, err := pve.NewWithCredentials(config, creds)

Connecting to a proxmox instance secured by Cloudflare

If you are exposing your pve instance through proxmox zero trust, you need to setup an application within cloudflare and generate a service token for that application.

Once you have your service token id and secret, add them your pve.Config:

import ""


config := pve.Config{
    Host:               "",
    Port:               8006,
    InsecureSkipVerify: true,
    CfServiceToken:     cloudflare.NewServiceToken("token-id.access", "token-secret"),